Thursday, May 21, 2009

Correction Key! Post corrections by Monday

Hey, everyone. Below is the key for the symbols you should use to mark each other's writing.

Please go to a colleague's blog, and comment on their post for the debate. Copy and paste their writing into your comment, and then add the grammar symbols.

**Everyone should check a different text!! No doubling up, because then someone will be left out!***

Symbol Meaning Example

S Incorrect Spelling *I recieved your letter.
W.O Wrong Word Order *We know well this city.
T Wrong Tense *If he will come it will be to late.
C Concord - Subject and Verb do not agree *Two policemen has come.
WF Wrong Form *That table is our.
S/P Singular or plural problem *We need more informations.
SM Something Missing *They said λ was wrong.
( ) Something is not necessary *It was too much difficult.
?M Meaning is not clear *Come and rest with us for a week.
NA Use not appropriate *He requested me to sit down.
P Punctuation *Whats your name.
WE Wrong expression * For one side
WW Wrong word * Where do you guard the dishes?
SS Sentence Structure * (See your class notes!)
L Capitalization * i was in santiago.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Debate Response

How do you think the debates went?

Critique both debates by answering the following questions *in paragraph form*, writing two or three paragraphs that address the questions.
(Do NOT write: "1. The team arguing for teacher certification....2. They could have improved...")

What did each team do well?
What could they have improved upon?
Who do you think won, and why?
Is there something you wanted to say and didn't?

Visit 3 other classmates blogs and comment on their analyses.